The former president has a new girlfriend, a young blonde and, perhaps, crazy woman -because one has to be very crazy to want to be with this clown-;;; I was informed of this notice while I was listening to music so sugared that is still sweet in spite of age;;; this made me think about the silly obsession with youth. Why are there so many persons that do everything they can to have youth, if that youth has frequently proved to be so absurd and naive?
When they are young, they want to be old soon so they can do all those wondrous things that old people can do, even though these are often just some sexual or vicious activities in the imaginary of the young, or, worse, the false and alienating economic independence. When they are old, they want to be young again, to be able to do all those things they can not do anymore, because they always have to work to get the money, and they feel too incapable now to learn new skills and virtues, or to change their lives… Or worse, they want to be young again to be able to do the sexual or vicious things they can not do now – what an irony! -. According to this idea, we are never capable or independent, we never have good sex, and our life always lacks meaning or satisfaction… And thus, being a proletarian facing this contradictory and crazy anguish of age, comes the notice of a powerful millionaire, with the independence and money -and time- to do something vicious or virtuous, who has a new sex slave to satisfy any animal desire of his.
Meanwhile, the cello and piano sound, together, sweetly.
Should we allow this to affect us? Has the ex-president such a life that we could never rejoice? With all the money, all the sex slaves, all the power… No! We can make the revolution, and win everything for ourselves; and for the sex, we can learn how to make love, there is not need for sex slaves… But, most importantly, we can be not so stupid as they are. So, let us not obsess about age, but let us try to learn and do whatever we want, without thinking about our age, and without becoming animals, because, as Seneca says, “life is not short if we know how to use it”, and the best manner to use it is the philosophical manner.
Mister ex-president, even with all his orgies on beds of gold, will never be able to savour the sweetness of a cello and a fortepiano, truly making love.