Roberto Dan Medrano González

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  • Thou that never hadst the trust

    Thou that never hadst the trust

    Thou that never hadst the trust of giving me thy telephone number: When thou walk by the park and thou find a lonely man sitting beside a guitar, that seems to not have been played in weeks, drinking from a silver flask, do not run nor fear thinking that he is a vicious dangerous stranger……

  • Solely present

    The solar beams against my eyes collide,reflected by the surfaces of the things,and perturb my soul, provoking me colourful ideas,that appear to have a grand profound sensefor which I manipulate my will,nourish my hope,and my life continue.

  • Permit thy ignition

    Who could blame that man because thou thinkst so much in him? I blame, not him, but thee, princess, for not recognising thy own fantastic potential, young and beauteous woman, that could easy ignite the world with her ultracandent fire. Thus, turn thyself on, permit thy ignition, and become pyromaniac, for even I would be willing,…

  • Violinist of gold

    Frontal row,delicious luck. Thy simulated stoicism…Thou art concentrated,but inside not so quiet,as thy body looks,for in thy soul a storm succeeds. Sublime music.

  • Ink of humid fire

    It dusked.Betwixt the edifices I look towards the heaven,while inspired singing I walk. I take the enormous pencil,soak it with ink,and agitate it upwards. The gouts of colour contrastcrashing against the black welkin.With the impact each one in ten more transforms.And the night remains refulgent,drizzled with ink of humid fire.

  • Rainbow of sex

    Rainbow thou wilt desire some nights. I will not have cloud, haze nor rain; only sky of azure pointses et the minisunpallidvisible liune. And yet I promise thee to intent rainbow to achieves. DAN

  • Capitalist moral prudence

    -Sir… I think that… -Tell me. -I was going to express you a thought, but I decided to autocensor myself and not to do it. § Capitalist Moral Prudence Autotorment autoinflicted to power to continue [alive] suffering, which some how seems better than to stay in the oblivion and not even power to stay. Why?…

  • The anarchy is the only democracy

    The “representative” democracy is a scam, and mystifying it does not help people to realise that it is a stupidity to elect “representatives” that have the power to do whatever they want. None can represent the individual better than the individual himself, and even in his own art his representation might be incomplete. Thus, with…

  • In defence of the nones

    Betwixt the white pointy acute house and the minipalace of granite hundreds of persons whose houses do not express the immigrant spirit nor the working spirit of a remote populace reside. Orphans sad or glad, or mere chaps ignorant of the history of their parents. Between the Lebanese centre and the Catalonian association, there is…

  • Cerulean dream

    I dreamt thee yesterday:Pneuma, wind, birds, love…Two strings and a bandoneon. Poems with my feather I sketched thee:Azure ink on thy paper skin. Euphoric breezes:Fascinating transmutation;of platinum windowsand not of crystal. The tangoenlivened thy magnetism,singingour bodies we united,and with mistthe stars we faded. «Say no to the impossible»they adverted me,but they never met thee.Neither did…

  • Mi absurdo deseo: Sereno querer

    My absurd desire want: serene want desire I want not to lieand I desire not to lie. I want two sapphires quasi virid,pure snow surrounded by ringlets;wind and echo, chants and yells,et pallid mel dearly dulcet.

  • The paint factory

    The paint factory

    «Over a century manufacturing the art of your museums».

  • With the eyes open

    It is enough, I can not brook it anymore, look at my eyes, do not be coward, as all those delicious people that I can not lick because they slip from my hands, making themselves slippery when I hold them, beside being so rugous; do it now or you will not leave me any other…

  • Psychedelic perturbation

    She I enter the room, in which she is sitting on a black stool, waiting, with an appearance of curiosity, for what will happen. I told her that I had something important to give her, that I had found. A book, she must imagine, one more of those things, written by meddlesome and irrelevant third…

  • Letter to Love

    Love: Something burns my throat, it is the evil again, the evil that attacks me each time something achieves to debilitate me. They have not been few, the days of my live, the days of dizzy presyncopatic states. At those moments, there are only two things that can elevate my spirits and eliminate my suffering;…

Sobre Roberto Dan Medrano González: Músico, poeta y filósofo escéptico que desafía en sus obras las convenciones del pensamiento y la expresión estética. Plasmando en ellas el producto de sus investigaciones metafísicas y epistemológicas, sostiene que todo es cuestionable y que nada es como nos obligan a creer. En 2017, propuso una solución al milenario problema escéptico del solipsismo: «Sé que existe la realidad porque rompe mi voluntad, de lo contrario ni siquiera podría tener yo la idea de “voluntad”».

About Roberto Dan Medrano González: Musician, poet, and skeptical philosopher who challenges conventional thought and aesthetic expression in his works. Embedding the outcomes of his metaphysical and epistemological research into his works, he contends that everything is questionable and nothing is as we are made to believe. In 2017, he proposed a solution to the age-old skeptical problem of solipsism: “I know that reality exists because it breaks my will, otherwise I could not even conceive of the idea of ‘will'”.

À propos de Roberto Dan Medrano González : Musicien, poète et philosophe sceptique qui défie dans ses œuvres les conventions de la pensée et de l’expression esthétique. Incorporant dans ses travaux le produit de ses recherches métaphysiques et épistémologiques, il soutient que tout est remettable en question et que rien n’est comme on nous oblige à croire. En 2017, il a proposé une solution au problème sceptique millénaire du solipsisme : « Je sais que la réalité existe parce qu’elle brise ma volonté, sinon je ne pourrais même pas concevoir l’idée de ‘volonté’ » .